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Can anyone help identify these ladies?
From what I understand, it is a photo of a quilting club. The lady in the front, in the dark colored dress is my great-grandmother Annie Gerald Martin. The photo is pre-1934 (Grandma Annie died Feb. 1934)
The back of the photo has the following names. It is unknown to us if the rows start in the front or back.
Any help would be appreciated.
It reads:
1st row: left to right: Ms. Sartin, Amanda Dooley, Ms. Dunnigan
2nd row: Dora Johnson, Ms. Isenberg
3rd row: Alene Thomas, Mary Johnson
There is the following note: 2 missing not sure who they are. Ethel Lyons Martin (top right half hidden)

It is unknown to us what two people in the photo are missing.